What You Need To Know About Roof Maintenance Schedules

A roof maintenance schedule is one of the most cost-effective ways to preserve your commercial roof, delay capital improvement costs, and safeguard your company’s operations during weather emergencies. Let’s find out why. 

Roof Maintenance

A regular (at least annually; semiannually is better) roof maintenance schedule allows your local, reliable commercial roofer to visually inspect all elements of your commercial roof: 

  • Roof deck
  • Field
  • Ballast (if present)
  • Seams
  • Drains
  • Roof penetrations

With no area of the roof neglected for more than 12 months (six months is better, of course), any small problem can be uncovered and repaired promptly. Water infiltration, mold, mildew, and rot are all stopped before they can spread. Insulation stays dry. Roof deck members remain strong. 


A roof maintenance schedule adds a tiny amount to your annual building budget, but helps you defer the enormous expense of a roof replacement. Every year you can add to the lifespan of your commercial roof is money in your pocket. 

Your own facilities crew probably lacks the training, equipment, safety expertise, and eye for issues that a commercial roofing crew has. A commercial roofer can stop a major water leak when it is still only a bit of ponding. Your local, friendly roofer can spot and fix open seams, clogged drains, and leaky rubber boots quickly.

Without annual or semiannual roof maintenance, a small leak can grow to cause a waterfall into electrical panels, store stock, or expensive office equipment. Your annual or semiannual costs for close, detailed roof maintenance are almost nothing compared to the horrific cost of ruined inventory, unhealthy employees, or disappearing customers. 

Whether Weather

A good roof maintenance plan can be the deciding factor, whether weather stops your business or you can continue. A snowstorm, a thunderstorm with high winds, or a freak tornado can destroy a business. One bad uplifting wind can tear off roof membranes or rip away metal panels. 

Roof maintenance can ensure your company’s roof is sturdy, ready for storms, and able to withstand high winds. You can recover faster from weather emergencies, beating out competitors by keeping your doors open when others have to shutter. 

By any measure, a regular roof maintenance schedule, arranged with your local commercial roofer, is smart money.  

Roof maintenance is simpler and easier when you partner with Midwest Roofing. Contact us today to see how our roof maintenance plans can benefit your commercial property.